Release no.: WHIM029
Artist: Retro Dubber
Series: Master System Dubs
Episode: S01E02
Release date: 24.05.2024
01 - "Phantasy Star" 4:17 min.
02 - "Phantasy Dub" 4:17 min.
"Master System Dubs" is an ongoing series in which Retro Dubber creates dub versions of his beloved childhood memories playing video games on the Sega Master System console. 8 episodes of this series form 1 season. At the end of a season might or might not come an album compiling all the episodes into one release.
The second episode of the first season goes way back, up to 1991/92 when Retro Dubber explored the dungeons and towers of the planets Palma, Motavia and Dezoris in the RPG "Phantasy Star". It was the first game with actual save slots that he played, and it created a whole new gaming experience for him. Those were the days.
The game's soundtrack has been burned into Retro's brain like a ripped movie on a DVD back in the 2000s. A DVD, in case you're from the younger generation, was a short-lived medium to store audio-visual content. It got replaced by Bluray and then streaming without media.
he Master System games came on so-called cartridges with 8-bit memory capacity. This song features melody and other fragments of the game's soundtrack and mixes them together into a blend of dub, reggae and chiptune. Whimsical, as always.
Melodies and other fragments based on the original Phantasy Star soundtrack by Tokuhiko Uwabo.
Drums by Horseman. (There is an enemy in the game called Horseman. Coincidence? Yes.)
Music by Retro Dubber in 2024 at Whimsical Sound.
Mixed by Huppuherrasmies in 2024 at Whimsical Sound.
Mastered by Me(h) in 2024 at Me(h)stro Music Studio.
Artwork by Professeur Chaos in 2024 at Atelier Branle Bas.
Background photo from FreePik.
Video editing by Bingewatch-R in 2024 at Come Watch TV Studio.
Music consultant: Dub Rogue.
Produced by Rami Rovaniemi.
Whimsical Music is a netlabel for quirky electronic music without boundaries, with a slight emphasis on leftfield dubby styles. No constraints, just free music for free people. We like to remix other people's work we love, and show them our appreciation through our works. Our releases are usually structured in series, like on TV. 8 episodes of a season make an album. Remixes, one-takes, songs with all kinds of samples come together for an open-minded, free-spirited experience. Whimsical Music is non-profit. It's just for fun and to give our respect to other people. Our songs are often tributes and fan service for things we like. Some Whimsical Music releases are not official releases and are not available on any streaming platform or physical media, only homemade videos on YouTube, Bandcamp (for free) and our own website. Please let us know if you feel like there is something here that shouldn't be, e.g. a sample or a video clip.